In the coming months, hope for renewal will come with the blossoms of spring. May it also bring with it the hope for peace.
On February 24th, 2022, the same day that Putin’s forces in Russia invaded Ukraine, The Stay at Home Choir released a song titled Rimanti in Pace, which translates to ‘Remain in Peace.’ Releasing the song in the face of warfare in our world wasn't planned; it makes the piece particularly poignant.
It is beautiful, somber music that touched my soul to sing. Participating in this project felt like a homecoming to me, as madrigals have been a part of my musical life since I was a young teen. I hope that you will feel the timeliness and poignancy it brings as you listen, and keep the message of peace close to your heart.
In addition to a song for peace, I want to share a poem that I wrote in 2020, as the world began to face a pandemic and went into lockdown. May there always be light in darkness, hope for peace and an abiding connection between humanity and nature's healing spirit.

Hope in Darkness Pause Breathe in the sunlight Listen to the sea Watch the shimmer of its colors Feel the caress of the wind Pause Drink in the calm Sense tranquility in rest Notice the outlines of a leaf Hear the tittering of a sparrow Pause Write verses in the dawn Find solace in stillness Seek serenity in nature Sing songs of hope in darkness Copyright @Stacie Eirich, March 1 2022
Last, I invite you to listen to a beautiful, reflective piece sung by The Choir of the Earth: Quanta Qualia by composer Patrick Hawes. Translation by Andrew Hawes:
O anima mea O my soul Mane! Wait! O quanta qualia O how great and how wonderful Conventus gaudia the joys of meeting Erunt. will be.
Originally released as an audio track by The Choir of the Earth in 2021, it has now been remastered into a gorgeous video. It is exquisite, and I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to be one of Quanta Qualia's singers.
For those who follow my monthly book reviews, here is my review for the club’s 📕 pick for March 2022: The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls.
Thank you for reading & listening, and may you find peace in the coming days. Be well.